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About Us

My name is Dr. Rob Jackson and I've been in practice since 1983. I started Back Talk Systems in 1989 to help solve issues in my own 3 clinics and then found that many of my friends and colleagues in the profession were having the same types of issues that I was having.

The biggest challenge was

  1. How to draw in new patients,
  2. How to keep people actively engaged in their health care choices so they could make the right decisions for themselves and their families, and
  3. How to get them to refer their friends and family members to my practice once they experienced all that chiropractic had to offer.

Those issues and many more that we all now face daily in the ever changing healthcare arena are what motivated me to create Back Talk and then keeps me excited and engaged to help each of us succeed.

We provide materials worldwide, currently in 8 different languages and are constantly expanding as Chiropractic makes huge inroads into the world's healthcare marketplace.

Our materials are constantly updated and fully referenced to make sure that anything we say or print is accurate and documented in contemporary literature.

We are in the "Successful Doctor Business!"

Give our customer service agents a call at 800-937-3113, or 303-277-9990, or shop right here and see what we can do to help you succeed in practice, regardless of your technique choices, your philosophical beliefs, what college you graduated from, or what services your practice encompasses. We have something to offer almost everyone.

Find out what over 45,000 of your friends and colleagues already know about doing business with Back Talk Systems.

We look forward to serving you and helping you enjoy the practice of your dreams.

Dr. Rob Jackson
