
Promote your business better — send a BIGGER card! All our Birthday and Greeting Cards are available exclusively in a larger format. Let your patients know how important they are to you, now and in the future!
Smaller cards have a tendency to get lost in the mail system among the giant direct mail pieces we all receive. You can fit more information on a bigger card. Add a perk to get them back into your office, put a coupon on the back— let your marketing ideas overflow as you'll have more advertising Real Estate to work with!
Save on stamps! Create a version to hand out at your office - announce specials, new staff, new Doctors along their bios — get creative. Give us an idea and we'll help!
Note: The new postcard sizing is considered an "oversized card" andwill require a First Class stamp if mailing. Pennies more to promote more!
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Postcard - "Cutout 06"
Golden Deer RED "Cutout Series 05": cutout series means the card design looks 3D If you are inter..
Birthday Postcard - "Jump"
Birthday cards are an effective way to enhance your relationship with your patients! NOTE: Pl..
PC - Chiropractic Benefits Everyone!
Chiropractic Benefits Everyone postcard is a great first-time mailer! Package Size: 100 qty..
Postcard - "Marshmallow Snowman"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and info..
Postcard - "Snowman Pair with Glitter Tree"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Gingerbread Boy"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Frosty Pines"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Holiday Bow"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Penguins"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Rheindeer Dogs"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Snowman Pair with Mittens"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and info..
Postcard - "Santa's Sleigh"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and info..
Postcard - "Swirls & Snowflakes"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and info..
Postcard - "Blue Sparkle Tree"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and what..
Postcard - "Santa on Moped"
» Remind your patients you're thinking of them this holiday season. Let them know you care and info..